Category: Reading

Writing Awe

In April I hiked through Zion National Park. I stood gape-mouthed, staring at the burnt orange, gold, and greens in the walls of a canyon so deep it made me dizzy. Layers of sedimentary rock rose up in swirling stripes…

Counting Characters: A Lesson in Diversity

My Novel Incubator instructors loved to tell us to kill our characters. Most of us came into class with drafts bloated with characters who served no purpose, so it was sound advice. During revision, I created a giant diagram of all…

YA Wednesday: Summertime!

June is one busy month for you young adults, what with the end of school, the kick-off of summer, blockbuster movies, and the celebration of Pride month. With finals and parades behind you, it’s time for lazy days of reading…