YA Wednesday: Thoughts, Feels, and Burning Questions from Gilmore Girls: A Year in The Life

I recently binge-watched Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life with my daughter. We’d watched Gilmore Girls together many times in the past and it was wonderful to get lost again in Stars Hollow. At one point the cat joined us but then he left—not his thing I guess. There was chocolate, even some sake, and of course lots of opinions.

I thought Rory was a bit entitled in her job search but that this was realistic for a young adult with high hopes and believable flaws. My daughter, a journalist, remarked on how it reminded her of places where she had worked. As a writer who knows how hard the book journey can be, I worried when Rory started writing a book that it would bring unrealistic insta-success. Thank god [spoiler alert] that didn’t happen. And then there were those final 4 or rather 3 words that made me cry. Don’t know if they made my daughter cry because I rushed off to hide my tears. All I do know is that our 6 hour binge-watch felt like the mother daughter equivalent of a vision quest. I saw life with new eyes, got in touch with feelings I’d long ago buried, and wanted desperately never to leave the delicate snow globe of Stars Hollow. There are, of course, other opinions about the Gilmore Girls revival.


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